How an AI chatbot increases your productivity

In dieser Episode geht es um das Thema wie künstliche Intelligenz in der Kombination mit einem Chatbot eingesetzt werden kann. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören.

Hier auch noch ein ergänzendes Video, in dem Sie sehen, wie Sie einen Chatbot selbst bauen können:

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Further links

AppSumo ChatBaseAI



Nice to have you with us again for another episode of Digital4Productivity and today with a use case on the topic of AI. As you know, artificial intelligence is on everyone’s lips and I don’t know about you, I asked at a presentation last Friday, who knows ChatGPT? Of course, everyone pointed it out. Then I asked who uses ChatGPT 3 or who has ever used it? Then a few hands went down. Then I asked who uses it regularly? Then there were already fewer. Then I said yes, who uses ChatGPT 4 regularly? There weren’t many left. And when I then asked who of them uses ChatGPT with the plugins, just one more responded.

I’ll be talking about ChatGPT 4 and the plugins next week, but before that I’d like to share a use case with you that I presented in my talk on Friday and where I got a very interesting response, or several. It’s about building a chatbot.

Setting up chatbots with ChatBaseAI

Chatbots are actually nothing new. It’s something we’ve known for a long time. It just used to be that you always had to enter an if-that-then-that logic. In other words, you had to specify very precisely what the chatbot should answer for which questions. And today, with AI, it’s much easier. In other words, you simply train a chatbot and the answers come out on this basis. And until recently, these were still relatively useless, but now they are becoming very useful. Those of you who have perhaps already experimented with ChatGPT know that, yes, if I enter something into it, something sensible will come out of it. Yes, the only question is, how can I embed it in a page? And there is a tool called ChatBaseAI. And ChatBase, the idea is that you can feed your own website or your own documents or your own Q&A questions into it. And this chatbot then answers your questions on this basis. And that’s really very good. And using this example, where can it make sense? I presented the possibility that, for example, if you have an IT hotline in the company, the same questions are always asked. To say, how can I now somehow synchronize my files in Teams? How can I activate energy-saving mode on the iPhone? And always the same questions. And the idea here is that you can feed all your support pages that you have or perhaps also publicly available support pages from manufacturers or available manuals into a chatbot that is created with ChatBaseAI. And then you can integrate this chatbot, either by embedding it in an iFrame so that there is practically an input field on a page. Or the second option is to embed a built-in chatbot in the bottom right-hand corner of the website, as you may be familiar with from many websites. And until recently, the whole thing wasn’t that exciting from my point of view, and now this quality has become outstanding.

And now there’s even an additional benefit: there’s currently a lifetime deal atAppSumo. AppSumo, as you know, as I’ve already mentioned, is the platform where you can get software deals that normally have relatively high monthly license fees. And you often get them for a lifetime deal. And now there’s another lifetime deal that runs for another six days. Today is June 20, 2023, so if you want to listen to the podcast later, no problem. Then go to the ChatbaseAI website and subscribe for the normal rate. This is of course more expensive than the lifetime deal, because the lifetime deal, here I recommend you also buy the larger version. Then you pay a one-off fee of 159 dollars, have 5,000 free messages and can create 40 chatbots per month, up to 6 million characters. And you can even connect the whole thing to OpenAI and then you even have unlimited calls with you. Yes, you will need the paid version of ChatGPT, which you can subscribe to on the website for 20 dollars a month, which is currently 23.80 euros. However, you can also do this in the paid version without ChatBased branding, which is completely neutral. Certainly not so relevant internally, but if you have it externally, you may not want to have ChatBase branding on it either. And we had it like this, I had presented and shown it like this and the simplest thing is, you can simply take a website, perhaps yours or another one, specify it as the source and then the system pulls out all the links, all the sub-links from this page accordingly and then you can really ask anything. And if you have a lot of product documentation, product sheets and so on on there, the system doesn’t pull the documents from the page, but everything that is on the web pages. And the whole thing is really, really good.

And there was, for example, a member of Implenia’s management team from the civil engineering sector. And he said that our IT department has significantly simplified the whole issue of IT support with this tool and the users are really enthusiastic because they get an answer to their question very quickly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a way of simply freeing up capacity for customers or internally for more value-adding activities. So this really is an excellent use case. I’d like to give you a second use case that we discussed after this event, where we also had such personalized videos displayed. You have the option of speaking a text and then a video is produced with an avatar, be it you or someone else. On the one hand, this is of course quite funny, especially if you perhaps translate it into other languages that you don’t speak, then you can save on translations and have very, very good quality in the meantime.


But what I find much more interesting is that it allows you to hyper-personalize videos. There’s a service called BHuman, which is spelled “B” and then “Human”. And BeHuman was also recently a lifetime deal from AppSumo, which no longer exists. But the offer is still attractive. You can upload a video and it will automatically generate a transcript. And you speak variables into the video. For example, you say “Hello name”. And whenever the name appears as a variable, it is replaced by a name that you then upload via a CSV file. In other words, the idea that you can have there, and here was another colleague in this round, from the lighting industry. And he said, “Wow, that’s a cool idea. We have 45,000 planners. That means you can produce a high-quality video here, for example. And if you distribute it to 45,000 people, then the production costs per customer are also relatively low. And then you can hyper-personalize it, for example by shooting a video once and then generating 45,000 different personal salutations from it.


So these are just two use cases in the field of AI, because I always find that there is a lot of digital know-how, but little digital do-how, and my mission is to enable managers, who in my view have the greatest leverage, to know and understand things and then simply implement them in their organization, because then you have great effects, for example, that you can save resources by using chatbots, such as Chatbase, or that you can hyper-personalize in this area, that you can scale it up for large quantities, because that would simply no longer be affordable in terms of resources.

As always, you can find the links to this episode in the show notes. Just click on it or send me an e-mail to and if you have an event at your company or a representatives’ meeting where you need an inspiring speaker on the topic of AI, the best tips and tricks to really use it in practice, then I would be delighted if you would also contact me. I would also be happy to enrich your event.

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