Why memory training is so important alongside artificial intelligence

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Nice to have you with us again for another episode of Digital4Productivity. Yes, and as you know, I always say switch on the brain first, then the technology. And when it comes to artificial intelligence, the question is always “brain first, then technology”. Shouldn’t we start with common sense before we move on to artificial intelligence? And what I experience time and time again, and it’s the same for me, is that we sometimes rely very, very heavily on technology when perhaps human intelligence wasn’t so stupid in the first place.

First common sense, then artificial intelligence

I only had this last week, when I was a speaker at an event and at this event I was given a hotel name by my speaker management from dear Karin Burger. And it was Hotel Nassauer Hof, Dr. Farr, always a great, classy event, and I get off the train, I’m still on the phone, I just look at my iPhone and say “Hotel Nassauer Hof, Wiesbaden” and find a navigation to a hotel that’s a bit out of town, but still in Wiesbaden. I was a bit surprised, but I thought I’d take the bus there. I still had enough time there too. I sent my wife and Bert Helbig, who also arrived there later, a screenshot of the bus connection via WhatsApp, to say, here you have a direct bus, wonderful, great. I get off the bus, walk a few hundred meters to this hotel and look at it and think to myself, this is somehow not up to Dr. Farr’s standard. I somehow know luxury hotels and this was so close to the youth hostel level. Now I was like that, so I rang the bell. It takes ages for anyone to answer. A window opened upstairs and I said, “Man, this is Hotel Nassauer Hof and Dr. Farr. And then Dr. Farr says, we don’t know her, we don’t have her. Could it be that you mean the other Nassauer Hof? And I’m like, the other Nassauer Hof? Yes, there’s the first house hand place at the casino. That’s the Nasser Hof. I’m sure that’s where you wanted to go. And Human Google, the woman was so nice and said, just take the bus, line number 5, go to the casino and then you’ll be where you want to go.

So you see, I was caught out by this issue of faith in technology myself. And it’s a bit like those who are driving over the bridge in Dresden right now and end up in the Elbe because they didn’t realize that the bridge has just collapsed and is being renovated. That’s why you always switch on your brain first and then the technology. Then, of course, it’s good if you use the technology afterwards.

Yes, what does that mean in practice? It means that it’s a good idea to train your brain, especially in the age of AI, because the more human intelligence you have, the more effective artificial intelligence becomes. I always say it’s like a multiplier. The more you can already do, the more powerful the addition of artificial intelligence becomes. It’s not an addition, it’s a multiplication. And if you take zero times a huge amount, you get zero again and the more you invest in your own brain capacity, the better.

With this in mind, I asked my very good friend and highly esteemed colleague Markus Hofmann if we could do another webinar together, where he would show us the best memory techniques for remembering things.

Markus Hofmann – Learning the right way

Markus Hofmann really is an absolute expert on the subject of learning better. And what is this webinar about? This webinar is about how to master the growing flood of information even under enormous time pressure. It’s about how to train your brain with the latest strategies. It’s about how to deal with learning blocks that the training system has planted in your head and how to banish them forever. It’s about how to recall all scripts spontaneously and perfectly during negotiations or in sales. And it’s about how to impress people in the office, in the family and at parties with exceptional memory skills.

And, of course, how to leverage all the potential that lies within you. The good thing is that Markus Hofmann gives great, pragmatic, practical tips and I regularly benefit from them. And after this lesson, there is also a special offer for his learning box. I have it myself and I train with it regularly. So from the side, if you want, you can even benefit from this special offer. However, even the lesson is already super valuable. So this is not just a sales webinar, it really is a useful lesson. If you say that this is enough for you, and after the lesson you can also judge whether you say, “Wow, maybe I’ll even get the memory box from Markus again, with which many, many people regularly train their memory there.

I am also one of them. As you know, I only recommend things that I use myself, that I can recommend myself, because I don’t let non-swimmers explain to me how to swim faster. And I always use Markus’ techniques to help me memorize my presentations better.

The invitation to the podcast on 26.09.2024

Yes, if this is of interest to you, on Thursday, September 26 at 8 pm. So you should listen to the podcast at 8pm. If you listen to it later, I’ll also put a link in the show notes where you can watch the recording again. We will of course also be happy to record it for you and you can also benefit from the tips and memory box from Markus Hofmann afterwards.

With this in mind, be there, either live on September 26, Thursday, at 8 pm or watch the recording now. I can really more than recommend it. With this in mind, see you on Thursday.

Yours, Thorsten Jekel.

Also available in: Deutsch


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